It was a great Meetup. One side being the Expats and New in Town group resident in Nice meeting with other groups from the US, LA & San Diego, on a 'Paradise' tour of the Med. Nice was not at its best having had steady rain for a couple of days, high winds and stuff like that - sort of like summer in England! The plan was that everyone would meet on the roof top of the
Elysee Palace where there is a great bar and a pool - alas, it was not to be. However a great time was had by all with pretty equal numbers, 30 from each side, who all had a ball. I was fortunate enough, yes me, to host the event for our group.
An interesting footnote is that many wanted to get away from the sightseeing part of the tour and savour life in France .... guess that is where we came in. And yes, there were quite a few French, perhaps 30%, some of whom actually come from Nice - Amazing but true!
This is a picture of the rooftop pool taken in December last year ...... slightly different to its appearance on Monday night!
When pictures are posted to Meetup I will put the link here so watch this space .......