I recall fondly the great nights at the
White Hart Tap in St Albans when Trigger's Broom was more often than not the winning team. That was way back in 2009-10.
Can the name Trigger's Broom again be a team name that makes others quiver? Judging by my performance tonight at
Ma Nolan's in Vieux Nice probably not! Hey, I was on my own, not close to winning but up there - so I will do the scoffing at my abilities svp!!

It is a neat format with 5 rounds of 10 questions in the usual categories, e.g. music, general knowledge (yes, I know it was Da Vinci, please stop going on about it!). The questions are shown on the large plasma screens. The sheet for each round is collected then checked, the results are then entered into the computer after which the answers are flashed up. It takes a while - doesn't really matter much as the atmosphere is good. At the end the computer churns out the rankings. All in all a great evening!
The painting on the right is by Leonardo Da Vinci not by Rembrandt .... what was I thinking??? Ah maybe Rembrandt said he wished he had painted it? Any excuse!!
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