After reading a book by Franck Thilliez, L'Anneau de Moebius, which is very dark and I have to say a depressing, tres deprimant. That said it is excellent, well researched and snappily written - fans of the Elephant Man and conceptual issues around time will love it! Recommended.

To lighten the mood and reduce the volume of pages I chose
Stupeur et Tremblements by Amelie Nothumb. The true story of the author's year with a Japanese company in Belgium. Japanese is her 2nd language. Very amusing until the end when it gets a bit more into 'thinking about stuff' rather than being funny - pain of being a true story. Good read.

And finally ...
Jean Teule's Le Magasin des Suicides. Hilarious from the start. There is a shop where you can go and get what you need, saves all that travelling to Switzerland. Great lines like "Don't say see you again (au revoir), say "Good bye (adieu) as we will definitely not be seeing the customer again". Sadly their youngest child is permanently happy, smiles a lot - they try many things to reduce this 'affliction', unknown in their family, one of which is to draw lines down at the end of his mouth so he always looks like he is grimacing! Brilliant and fun!
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