It has generally been the view that the new ligne 2 would end up at Place Arson. Returning to Nice I found taped to the lobby door a petition against a revised proposal. Briefly it says the new line will run underground from Garibaldi down Segurane (makes sense) then turn left emerging in Anton Gautier which would be replaced by a cutting (trench) and from there forward overground to the Ile de Beaute aka Le Port. It would involve the demolition of buildings in Segurane, which is obvious given the sharp left hand route the line would need to take. Very interesting and worrying for anyone considering a purchase in the Antiquarian Quartier comme moi!! Everyone seems quite blase about the whole thing, curious.

And there is more .... the line will then go from the port up Arson turning a brief right after a few blocks to join Blvd Riquier then on to the Gare Riquier. All makes sound sense. Ultimately wonderful for the area, BUT what about living in the area during construction??
The map shown is the latest that can be found. It shows Cassini, Segurane is shown under the marker line. A link to the interactive map:
Ligne 2 route
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