Here are some pictures take at Marlene's vernissage held in the Avant Scene studio on the Nice University campus at Saint Jean D'Angely. Not the most attractive campus it has to be said, a work in progress that hopefully will blossom. Meanwhile back to the vernissage which was attended by the president of the university ..... on her blog the pictures are on post 4.9
Thursday, 29 March 2012
Wednesday, 28 March 2012
New Photography & Video Meetup - It's me Folks!

The first get together will be at Ma Nolan's in the Port on 14 April. Hopefully by then the word will have worked its way around and there will be even more subscribers. Everyone has been very supportive which is great!
Astrology & the meaning of numbers - Flew straight past me ...
Another very pleasant night in great company at Beverley's usual bring a plate Wednesday .... some very interesting stories about those that crew super yachts, my lips are sealed! Christine did her best, in a very entertaining manner, to explain the concepts behind early numbering and their relationship to astrology .... the photos!
Friday, 23 March 2012
Launch - Holistic Professionals Network
It was a standing room only event at the HI Hotel in Nice .... talk about a runaway success!
Thursday, 22 March 2012
Social Media - International Club - Banque Populaire Nice
This was a new networking group. The topic being Social Media with representatives from The Riviera Times, Riviera Life TV and AngloInfo (actually one of the founders of that august site). Once the panel were through their views on how social media is changing journalism it was time for food! You know what, it was excellent. There were two curries, one lentils and the other chicken, together with pilau rice so for someone starved of a decent curry this was mana from the gods. The curries are thanks to George Kasiliyake who is from one of the original families who mass produced curries for consumption in the UK - no wonder it was good.
Not many people know that Banque Populaire is a mutual, told you you didn't know, well it is. It also provides all manner of free advice as part of its service including full participation in its general assembly meetings. A bank to consider methinks.
Not many people know that Banque Populaire is a mutual, told you you didn't know, well it is. It also provides all manner of free advice as part of its service including full participation in its general assembly meetings. A bank to consider methinks.
Wednesday, 21 March 2012
Falling Water & Reiki - The Old Chateau - Nice
The lovely waterfall at the old chateau in Nice. Beverley Holt talks about the benefits of Reiki.
Falling Water - Benefits of Reiki - Riviera Reiki, Nice, France from Mike Colquhoun on Vimeo.
Sunday, 18 March 2012
Couscous aux Lardons suivi par un poulet roti!

Et le poulet roti???
Apres j'achete un poulet roti en Vielle Nice et deux poivre epice. Yum!
Saturday, 17 March 2012
Watching Rugby again ...... !!
There is a league table of Guiness pints sunk on Paddy's Day. The total last year was over 1000 in the Old Town bar and 400 plus in the Port. It looked very much like Port would beat their previous total by mid afternoon! I wonder how that compares to pints downed in the UK or Ireland? No way does anyone drink the same volume in France .... unless I am advised otherwise.
Wife beats husband caught in act & gets fined! Mon Dieu!
Yes, times have changed. In the good old days being caught out by one's spouse was the green light for whatever came to mind! Now it is not so. Sadly the wife was fined for beating her husband in the sum of 500 euros! There we were thinking Monaco was a boring place*.
I wonder if 'dementia americana' exists in the US as a defence? Men only. Where if one catches one's spouse in the act then anything is forgiven.
*Truthfully Monaco is ever so dull unless you like counting the zeros on your bank statements which is a pastime of locals there.
I wonder if 'dementia americana' exists in the US as a defence? Men only. Where if one catches one's spouse in the act then anything is forgiven.
*Truthfully Monaco is ever so dull unless you like counting the zeros on your bank statements which is a pastime of locals there.
Tuesday, 13 March 2012
SM and Facebook .....

Jorgen Poulsen of The Catalyst Partnership took everyone through what could be done, how it could be and why it should be done. Very entertaining. There is no question that another event would be most welcome!
There is a huge interest in the subject. A lot of people turned up to the Les Satellite offices, the creation of Nicolas Berge, in Nice Riquier which provides quality office and networking space. It is accessible and affordable for any entrepreneur.
Saturday, 10 March 2012
Wales plays Italy at Rugby - the Irish Choir sings!
What a fun time at Ma Nolan's in the Port. Got to watch Wales beat Italy roundly. Gaps before and after the game being filled by the dulcet tones of an Irish Choir. Irish, not Welsh, as I rather think the Welsh stay in Welsh Wales, something to do with the fact the prettiest sheep are there or so I am told. In fairness the Irish guys were limbering up their singing voices and gullets for the Ireland - Scotland match to come. The bar was full of both fans without nary a bad word being said, nice that.
Not really sat through, rephrase that to never sat through, a rugby match before so it was a new experience.
Not really sat through, rephrase that to never sat through, a rugby match before so it was a new experience.
Lousy Individual - Lousy Movie

As for the rest of the movie? Dull and then some.
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